IT Division
IT Division
Be 100% in line with GDPR
Thanks to the Firewall designed by Man Evotech, constantly tracked by our staff, your network will be safe from malware thanks to weekly updates of firewalling rules.
PCs and servers on your network will be protected and the accesses from the outside will be monitored and your entire system will be in line with GDPR.

High security of your data and total protection from cyber-attacks.
With our Firewall you can have the systematic monitoring of the traffic that comes from the inside and the outside of certain computer network. The Firewall will register and filter the network traffic, by letting go only what respects certain standards.
The advantages to have a FirewalI
Cyber attacks
ManFire checks payloads, to prevent the virus from spreading.
Protect your data
Thanks to the Network Traffic Monitor made by ManFire, you can be aware of the bandwidth over-use and prevent that important data and information can be stolen.
Browse safe
With Manfire you can surf in Internet without problems and eventually excluding IP addresses. The Network Traffic Monitor is completely transparent with the user.
Link your corporate headquarters
Manfire allows the connection between one or more headquarters with the best technologies and using secure protocols, thanks to the symmetric encryption and the following use of SSL certificates.
Open Vpn, IPESC, L2TP are the main technologies used in Manfire. It is also possible to access from home to your company network with maximum safety and without additional costs.
Check and register your network traffic
If necessary, our Firewall can record every access from the outside of your network, as required by the old Privacy Act 196/2003 and actually from the new Act 679 679/2016 (GDPR).